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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):C.L. Pomernacki, R.H. Sanborn
Abstract:The utility of modeling and simulation for the safeguards aspects of Nuclear Fuel Processing Facilities is two-fold in nature. First, a…
Author(s):E. A. DeVer E. A. DeVer, W.W. Rodenburg
Abstract:Editor's Note: Mr. DeVer is the Mound Laboratory SS Representative. Dr. Rodenburg is Croup Leader of Calorimetry Development. Mound…
Author(s):R.L. Delnay
Abstract:The American National Standards Institute, ANSI, approached the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, IN MM, in 1966 to sponsor a…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):D.B. SMITH, R. Art Forster
Abstract:A meaningful quantitative measurement program for nuclear materials control requires not only instrumentation to assay special nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):C.J. Umbarger, L.R. Cowder, R.B. Walton, J.E. Foley
Abstract:The accurate analysis of low-level U and Pu wastes in a routine manner is an important step in implementing effective waste management and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):J.E. Foley, T.L. Atwell
Abstract:This paper discusses the use of an active neutron source interrogation system known as Random Driver for the nondestructive assay of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):T.E. Shea, J.E. Glancy
Abstract:Specific requirements for the control and accountability of special nuclear materials for AEC licensed processing facilities are stipulated…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Herman Miller, S.H. Shepard
Abstract:Protection of plutonium and enriched uranium is enhanced by the use of SNM Door Monitors. The performance of these Door Monitors has been…
Author(s):Hans Weber
Abstract:Nondestructive assay measurements were performed on mixed-oxide fuel samples with the objective of determining their Pu and U content. A…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Robert J. Sorenson, Cesar Sastre, Nickolas Ovuka, Debbie D. Hill
Abstract:I would like to introduce the members of the panel: Debbie Hill from the AEC's Richland Operations Office, Nick Ovuka from the AEC's…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):J. Lovett
Abstract:Statistical techniques play a major role in the Agency's safeguards system, for two very good reasons. Statistical calculations make the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):William M. Murphey, John C. Schleter
Abstract:ABSTRACT Maintenance of effective safeguards requires a program for routine assessment of plant safeguards systems in terms of their…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Earle D. Hightower
Abstract:I'm sure that everyone in the room is familiar with the various newspaper articles which have been critical of the way in which special…
Author(s):S.H. Smiley
Abstract:The public is constantly reminded of the serious consequences of accidents or failures in nuclear plants. Charged with responsibility for…
Author(s):W.F. Heine, J. D. Moore
Abstract:Current special nuclear material safeguards requirements preclude the disposal of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters which have…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Thomas E. Shea
Abstract:The composite error associated with the application of nondestructive assay to special nuclear materials accountability is separated into…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Robert L. Martinez, G.J. Cunningham
Abstract:A prototype vehicular gate monitor has been constructed and tested. Details of construction, operation, and performance are discussed.
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):S.H. Smiley
Abstract:It is a pleasure to participate once again in the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management annual meeting. For a ll of us in the busi-…
Author(s):Manuel Kanter
Abstract:The Institute held its fifteenth annual meeting at the Riviera Hyatt House in Atlanta, Georgia on June 19-21, 1974. The meeting came in…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):C.N. Ingraham, T. Gozani
Abstract:A new high-precision assay system for fissile nuclear material has been built. The new system, called Small Sample Assay System (SSAS), is…