Korean Development of Safeguards Inspection Instruments for On-loading Reactors

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Wan Ki Yoon - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Young Gil Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hong Ryul Cha - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Won Woo Na - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Seung Sik Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
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Korea is operating four CANDU reactors, which are on-loading reactors, and is planning to have two more in the future. Safeguards implementation on CANDU reactors is quite complex and requires more safeguards efforts. Korea has developed three inspection instruments to optimize its efforts for Korean national inspection with potential use by the IAEA. They are the Spent CANDU Fuel Verifier (SCAV), for verifying spent fuel inventory in the storage pool; the Spent CANDU Fuel Bundle Serial Number Identifier (SCAI), for reading the serial numbers of spent fuel bundles inside of the storage pool; and the Spent CANDU Fuel Fingerprinter at Dry Storage (SCAD), for dry storage inventory verification. These instruments were field tested, performed well and are being used in inspections.
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