Further Research in CRIEPI for the Storage of High Burn-up and MOX Spent Fuel

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H. Yamakawa - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industries
Masumi Wataru - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industries
T.S Aegusa - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industries
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V-27_4.pdf6.52 MB
This paper describes the current research in CRIEPI for the storage of high burn-up and MOX spent fuel carried out in a few years. The main results described in this paper are as follows: • Spent fuel management concerning the policy in Japan and cost estimation of each storage system in case of 3,000 MTU BWR are shown; • Process of introducing burn-up credit to cask storage system is shown; • Some results of a long-term sealing test of a cask, using metallic gaskets for about eight years, preliminary thermal resistance tests concerning a concrete cask storage system conducted to clarify the long-term durability of it, etc.. are shown.
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