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Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):D. Smith
Abstract:The United States Department of Transportation regulations for routing and scheduling of large quantity shipments of radioactive material…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Preston L. Terry, Preston L. Terry
Abstract:Whether upgrading or developing a security system, investing in a solid state video recorder may prove to be quite prudent. Even though the…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):T. L. Sanders, R.E. Einziger, H. Jordan, A.P. Malinauskas
Abstract:A cask containment system can generally be designed from two perspectives; either the cask and its associated hardware alone are assumed to…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):B.R. Nair, C.C. Little, F.E. Goedicke
Abstract:The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 authorized the U.S. Department of Energy to establish a national integrated system for the disposal of…
Author(s):J. Christian Kessler
Abstract:The maintenance of effective international safeguards is a fundamental tenet of U.S. non-proliferation policy. The U. S. Department of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Bruce W. Moran, P.S. Johnson
Abstract:An inventory verification procedure was developed for facilities with very large and diverse item inventories to meet the material control…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R. Keith Harman
Abstract:A transportable single cable intrusion detection security sensor is being developed by Senstar Corporation with the support of the Canadian…
Author(s):Peter J. Evans, Colin J. Rutherford
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):N.R. Keltner, L.A. Kent
Abstract:Sandia National Laboratories1 has utilized pool frres to subject military components and radioactive material shipping containers to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):John Bavlish, Joe Brennan
Abstract:In today's performance-oriented industrial environment, demands for consistent, reliable, and profitable service are dictating that…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):S. Takahashi, Takashi Asano, M. Seya, K. Matsuyama, T. FujImoto, J. Ishii
Abstract:Advanced Containment and Surveillance (AC/S) Systems, which are applied to the feed .and product storages of the PFPF, were developed. As…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J.M. Griesmeyer, P. C. Bennett, T. L. Sanders
Abstract:Sandia National Laboratories supports the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management in applying…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):C. Ringler
Abstract:Development of the Advanced Small Site Program (ASSP) will satisfy the requirement for a small - to-medium-sized security system. This…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):T. L. Sanders, William H. Lake
Abstract:The traditional assumption used in evaluating criticality safety of a spent fuel cask is that the spent fuel is as reactive as when it was…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J.D. McClure, Robert E. Luna
Abstract:The objective of this paper is to analyze the severity of aircraft accidents that may involve the air transport of radioactive materials (…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J.D. McClure, Robert E. Luna
Abstract:On August 9, 1975, the U.S. Congress passed Public Law 94-79 which imposed a prohibition on the air transport of plutonium until the U.S.…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):N.C. Finley, J.D. McClure, P.C. Reardon, M. Wangler
Abstract:The transportation of radioactive materjal (RAM) packages is a routine activity in the U.S. nuclear materials industry. Several different…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):R. Rainisch, A.L. Lengyel
Abstract:The March 1979 accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) severely damaged the reactor 1 s fuel and resulted in approximately 130 metrie…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):M. Aparo, G. Bardone, C. Vicini
Abstract:TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) system was developed some years ago and since then it has been extensively used and tested to measure…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):T. L. Sanders, Y.R. Rashid, P.R. Barrett, A.P. Malinauskas
Abstract:The radioactive source terms pertinent to spent fuel transport cask safety assessments are of three distinct origins; residual…