An Analysis of Severe Air Transport Accidents*

J.D. McClure - Sandia National Laboratories
Robert E. Luna - Sandia National Laboratories
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The objective of this paper is to analyze the severity of aircraft accidents that may involve the air transport of radioactive materials (RAM). One of the basic aims of this paper is to provide a numerical descriJ?tion of the severity of aircraft transport accidents so that the accident seventy can be compared with the accident performance standards that are specified in IAEA Safety Series 6, the international packaging standards for the safe movement of RAM. The existing packaging regulations in most countries embrace the packaging standards developed by the IAEA. Historically, the packaging standards for l)pe B packages have been independent of the transport mode. That is, if the sh1pment occurs in a certified pacltaging, then the shipment can take place by any transport mode. In 1975, a legislative action occurred in the U.S. Congress which led to the development of a package designed specifically for the air transport of plutonium. Changes were subsequently made to the U.S. packaging regulations in 10CFR71 to incorporate the plutonium air transport performance standards. These standards were used to certify the air transport package for plutonium which is commonly referred to as PAT-1 (U.S.NRC). The PAT-1 was certified by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in September 1978.