Advanced C/S Systems for the Feed and Product Storages of the PFPF

S. Takahashi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Takashi Asano - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Dev. Corp.
M. Seya - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
K. Matsuyama - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. FujImoto - Nippon Denshl K1k1 Ltd.
J. Ishii - Fujitsu Ltd.
Advanced Containment and Surveillance (AC/S) Systems, which are applied to the feed .and product storages of the PFPF, were developed. As both storages have capabilities to store a large amount of SNM for relatively long time period, they are extremely Important areas 1n safeguards view points. The AC/S System for the feed storage (hereinafter, \"the AC/S-F\") 1s an Integrated system of a multl-CCTV surveillance system (including various sensors) developed in JD-9 and a crane monitor system developed 1n JB-3 under the JASPAS (Japan Support Program for Agency Safeguards). The multl-CCTV surveillance system with appropriate sensors 1s adopted primarily to obtain surveillance Image records at every Important moment. The crane monitor system, which has a rack and pinion mechanism, not only can monitor any movements of canister In the storage but also it can detect whether the crane has a filled canister or an empty canister by a combination use of a r -ray detector and a photo sensor on the crane. This capability of the crane monitor system enables to provide canister location maps 1n the storage. The AC/S System for the product storage (hereinafter,\"the AC/S-P\") also consists of several kind of sensors and a multl-CCTV camera system combined with a new, superfast image processing system, which can detect any movement of assembly capusule by a real time (video rate) color extraction technique. In this case, a superfast Image processor \"IDATEN\" 1s adopted for motion detection of assembly capsule Instead of the rack and pinion type crane monitor system of the AC/S-F. This system creates storage maps by tracking of movements of assembly capsules. In both AC/S systems, surveillance Images are recorded on laser disks and retrieval softwares assist Inspectors' reviewing of image 1n a manner which meets with tlmelyness