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Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):S.D. Wix, G.F. Hohnstreiter
Radiation is the dominant mode of heat transfer in large fires. However, convection can be as much as 10 to 20 percent of the total heat…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):W.G. Ashbaugh
The proliferation of corrosion failures of both steel and stainless steel under insulation in recent years has caused this problem to be of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):E.P. Clements
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has returned 309 leased, cesium capsules from IOTECH, Incorporated (IOTECH), Northglenn, Colorado, and…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):S.M. Cramer, J.C. Hermanson, W. McMurtry
Containers for the transportation of hazardous and radioactive materials incorporate redwood in impact limiters. Redwood is an excellent…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Peter Zeisler, B. Droste, Roland Rödel, B. Rehmer
This paper refers to papers presented at former PATRAM conferences (especiallythe paper of K. Wieser et al. 1989) and gives an overall view…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Peter Zeisler, B. Droste, Roland Rödel, B. Rehmer
This paper completes the overall view about the current approval activities for Type B packages in Gennany during the last 6 years given in…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):J. Thomasson, F. Tourneux
This paper deals with the dedicated packagings already in operation or designed lor the transport in France of the alpha bearing (or TRU)…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):E. Schmitt
Transport of radioactive material (RAM) is one of the areas of the nuclear fuel cycle that attracts environmental public concerns. NTL has…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Y. Gomi, C. Ito, O. Katoh
The national policy on the nuclear fuel cycle is based on the \"Long-Term Plan for Utilization of Nuclear Energy\" issued by the Atomic…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):C. Ito, K. Shimamura, Hidetsugu Yamakawa, H. Ohnuma
The national policy on the nuclear fuel cycle is based on the \"Long-Term Plan for Utilization\" drawn up the Atomic Energy Commission of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Hidetsugu Yamakawa, Y. Gomi, O. Kato, H. Ohnuma
The national policy on the nuclear fuel cycle is based on the \"Long-Term Plan for Utilization\" drawn up the Atomic Energy Commission of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):L.D. Gasaway, R.M. Walker
The Transportation Management Council concept was adopted by the Department of Energy (DOE) following a benchmark study of private industry…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):A.R. York II, A.M. Slavin
The packaging designated the H 1636A (Figure 1) is a high-performance packaging for large payloads. The H 1636A is 50 in. in diameter and…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):W.J. McConaghy, T.C. Thompson
This paper describes the design features and licensing criteria of the TranStor™ MultiPurpose System. The TranStorTM System design (Figure…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Y. CHANZY, Y. Rouquette
Alpha wastes are generated in fuel cycle facilities such as those involved in reprocessing and manufacture of mixed oxide fuel or in…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):A.P. Gaffka, G. Lawrence
Alpha-active intermediate level waste (IL W), also know as PCM (Plutonium Contaminated Material) is generated from handling plutonium and…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):Hiroaki Taniuchi, H. Yasuda
In Japan, the first interim storage of commercial spent fuels by cask was permitted by the Japanese Government in 1994. The casks, Japanese…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):M. Mikata, K. Iwasa, K. K.Kawakami, T. Nakatani, A. Nishikawa
The spent fuels discharged from Japanese LWR are transported to the domestic or overs e as reproc essing plants after a cooling period.…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):T.H. Jones, R.D. Busch, J.A. Miller, K.D. Seager
Approximately 13% by volume of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) current backlog of radioactive waste is characterized as high-level…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Author(s):W. McMurtry, G.F. Hohnstreiter
Seals that provide the containment system interface between the packaging body and closure must function in high- and low-temperature…