Current Approval Procedures for Type-B Packages in Germany: Selected Topics

Peter Zeisler - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und –pruefung (BAM), D-12200 Berlin, Germany
B. Droste - Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und –pruefung (BAM), D-12200 Berlin, Germany
Roland Rödel - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany
B. Rehmer - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prllfung (BAM), D-12200 Berlin, Germany
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This paper completes the overall view about the current approval activities for Type B packages in Gennany during the last 6 years given in a funher paper presented at this conference (Zeisler. P. et al. 1995 ). It discusses topics of special interest from the poinr of view of the Gennan test authority for Type B packages (BAM). The first topic concerns the verification (benchmarking) of computer codes which shall be used alternatively for the simulation of mechanical tests. Problems are discussed to be solved in this context from the point of view of BAM. The evaluation of the design criteria by BAM for the CASTOR V !HA WC shipping cask to be used for thc transport of high-active waste concentrates (HA WC) from Gennany to the reprocessing plant in Mol (Belgium) is the second topic. The last topic deals with the properties of ductile cast iron (DCI) . i.e . the material that is preferably used in Gcnnany for large Type B shipping casks.