Design of Spent-Fuel Storage Cask

M. Mikata - Hitachi Zosen Corporation
K. Iwasa - Hitachi Zosen Corporation
K. K.Kawakami - OCL Corporation
T. Nakatani - OCL Corporation Osaka, Japan
A. Nishikawa - OCL Corporation
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The spent fuels discharged from Japanese LWR are transported to the domestic or overs e as reproc essing plants after a cooling period. However, the annual balance between the quantity of discharged fuels and the reprocessing capacity may surpass the reactor pit capacity of the spent fuels. Therefore, additional onsit e storage facilities should be installe~ In order to solve this issue, Hitachi Zosen has designed a dry storage cask for Japanese high-enriched and high-burnup BWR fuels that is compact and able to contain a large number of fuel assemblies.