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In April 2022, a team sponsored by the US DOE Office of Nuclear Verification (ONV) shipped trepanning equipment to the nuclear power station at Trawsfynydd, Wales, UK to collect samples from the graphite moderator of Reactor 1. The sampling campaign to collect 48 graphite samples was completed in five weeks beginning July 11. Half the samples will be analyzed in the US to determine the total energy production of the facility. The other half will be analyzed by Magnox Ltd. to support decisions for options for the ultimate decommissioning path for the facility. This paper provides a description of the equipment and the operations required to trepan, collect, and package the samples while controlling the small amounts of radioactive graphite dust entrained on and within the tool. The most important sample parameter needed is the precise location of the sample, to within ±6 mm in a fuel channel, while the tool is deployed to between 12 and 20 meters below the operations floor; our means of achieving this precision is given.