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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):M. F. Kelly
Abstract:A facility licensed to handle Special Nuclear Material (SNM) is subjected to various regulations which are intended to safeguard the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Leon B. Ellwein,, L. Harris, Willard D. Altman, Richard H. Gramann
Abstract:A method for assessing the performance of a material control and accounting (MC&A) system in an operating nuclear fuel processing…
Author(s):George H. Winslow
Abstract:A model has been developed which describes the enhancement of the response, in a random driver, of a "stack" of highly enriched uranium…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Larry M. Gray, C.W. Benson
Abstract:OASIS provides a near real-time nuclear materials safeguards and accountability control system for a research and development (R&D)…
Author(s):F. F. Dean F. F. Dean, R. P. McKnight R. P. McKnight, F.A. Bailey
Abstract:A prototype containment and surveillance system for monitoring the movement of spent fuel has been developed by Sandia National…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):M.S. Zucker
Abstract:A correlation of the velocity of sound with mole percent of heavy water in D20-H20 mixtures has been measured using a modified commercially…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Lawrence D. Barnes
Abstract:An automated method for the control and monitoring of personnel movement throughout the site was developed under contract to the Department…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R.J. Brouns, R.F. Eggers, L.C. DAVENPORT, J.L. Pindak, D.W. Brite, R.L. Wilson
Abstract:Advanced MC&A methods are demonstrated which subdivide a uranium scrap recovery facility into control units which permit rapid…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R.J. Brouns, R.F. Eggers, L.C. DAVENPORT, J.L. Pindak, D.W. Brite
Abstract:A conceptual material control and accounting (MC&A) program for a high enriched uranium fuel particle fabrication facility is described…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):L. Koch, S. Schoof
Abstract:An example is described of material accounting at the reprocessing input point. Knowledge of the fuel history and chemical analyses of the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Toshio SAWAHATA, K. Ikawa, J. Lovett, M. Tsutsumi, H. Ihara
Abstract:As a part of the TASTEX program, a study of the feasibility of using near-real-time materials accountancy in the process area of the PNC-…
Author(s):J. J. Malanify, R.C. Bearse, E. L. Christensen
Abstract:An accountancy system based on the Dynamic Materials Accountability (DYMAC) System has been in operation at the Plutonium Processing…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Alfred E. Winblad, F. F. Dean
Abstract:An approach that is useful in developing protection requirements for an away-from-reactor spent fuel storage facility is described. An…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Nancy M. Trahey, Warren J. McGonnagle, A. Creig Zook
Abstract:Details of the experimental design of a New Brunswick Laboratory evaluation of the measurement performance and reliability of an x-ray…
Author(s):Robert Kramer
Abstract:The interpretation of large amounts of data is often difficult on a timely basis. Many times trends in the data are the most significant…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):W. Ford, D.G. Shirk
Abstract:The advent of microprocessors and other large-scale integration (LSI) circuits is making voice input and output for computers and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Martin C. Edelson, V.A. Fassel
Abstract:A high resolution spectrometer has been used to resolve the isotopic structure of spectral lines emitted by uranium that has been atomized…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):D.R. Rogers, J.C. Miles, K.W. Foster, D.B. Armstrong
Abstract:The Controllable Unit Approach (CUA) has been tested in a high throughput, low enrichment uranium fuel fabrication facility. Plant-wide…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R. Sher
Abstract:A calculational program for an HP-97 calculator has been written to enable IAEA Inspectors to verify unlrradiated MTR-type (plate) fuel…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):S.-T. Hsue, Faye Hsue, D.F. Bowersox
Abstract:In the plutonium recovery section at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, an effluent solution is generated that contains low plutonium…