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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Glenn R. Elliott
Abstract:Sandia has developed a new helicopter detector. The device relies on the correlation between the acoustic wave from the helicopter and the…
Author(s):W.C.H. ALSTON, A. FATTAH
Abstract:A Physical Inventory Verification (PIV) exercise conducted by safeguards inspectors from the three divisions of Operations of the IAEA…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Kendahl Johnson
Abstract:A plutonium neutron source simulator has been developed to test the electronics of neutron coincidence counters used for non-destructive…
Author(s):T.W. Crane
Abstract:A californium-based active assay system has been tested for measuring nuclear waste in 55-gal drums. The unit can be operated in either a…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Leon D. Chapman, Charlene P. Harlan
Abstract:Sandia National Laboratories developed several models in the mid to late 1970's including the Safeguards Automated Facility Evaluation (…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):W.K. Ream, J. Espinoza
Abstract:An entry control system to automatically control access to nuclear facilities is described. The design uses a centrally located console,…
Author(s):M.H. Gallegos, R. P. McKnight R. P. McKnight
Abstract:A personnel intrusion detection system, using passive infrared intrusion detectors, is described for monitoring unoccupied or seldom…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):M. William Johnson, K.B. Butterfield
Abstract:Monitoring the movement of radioactive material through secure or sensitive areas may be complicated by the existence of unanticipated…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R.K. Lane, K.A. Young, R.P. Morissette
Abstract:A detailed knowledge of the LWR inventoryimposed constraints on the heavy metal handling capability for the transport, storage, and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Leslie G. Fishbone
Abstract:For a spent-fuel reprocessing plant handling commercial light-water-reactor fuel, plutonium accounting is traditionally done for the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):D.W. Swindle
Abstract:As part of a limited frequency—unannounced access inspection strategy for international safeguards, a gamma ray measurement technique for…
Author(s):B. Barnes, C. MONTICONE, T. DRAGNEV, R. D. ARLT
Abstract:Personal Computers (PC's) attached to non-destructive analysis instrumentation are being used by the International Atomic Energy Agency…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Curtis Jamison
Abstract:The Safeguards Accountability Network (SAN) is an online computer system that was developed by Rockwell International to track the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):D. J. Frank
Abstract:A Blind Sample Submission Program is an effective management tool in an overall Measurement Control Program. Data from such a program is…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Robert A. Shaufl
Abstract:The use of closed circuit television (CCTV) within radiation environments requires the system designer to have a thorough knowledge of the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R. L. Hand, F. W. Spraktes, R. W. Anselmo, J. J. Jacobson, D.B. Black
Abstract:The Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) is a uranium reprocessing facility operated by Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company for the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Christian Bruckner
Abstract:The fuel assembly seal demonstration experiment performed at the Kahl Experimental Power Station (Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl, VAK) is a…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Thomas B. Bowie
Abstract:After ten (10) inspections over a twenty-two (22) month period Combustion Engineering CE-W Nuclear Manufacturing personnel have developed…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jerry J. Cadwell
Abstract:All nuclear security organizations provide training to security officers in preparation for a riot or peaceful demonstration which could…
Author(s):Richard Bord, Philip J. Ponzurick, Warren F Witzig
Abstract:The Federal Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980 specified a 1986 deadline for the establishment of state and regional low-…