NUHOMS® Transportation System Interfaces

W. J. McConaghy - NUTECH Engineers, Inc.
R. A. Lehnert - NUTECH Engineers, Inc.
R. W. Rasmussen - Duke Engineering and Services Hanford, USA
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As utilit~s with nuclear power plants face increasing near term spent fuel storage needs, various systems for dry storage such as the NUTECH Horizontal Modular Storage (NUHOMS®) system are being implemented to augment existing spent fuel pool storage capacities. Since the US Department of Energy (DOE) is tasked with the future responsibility of transporting spent fuel from commercial nuclear power plants, the interfaces between the utilities at-reactor dry storage system and the DOE's away{rom-reactor transportation system become important. This paper presents a study of the alternative interfaces between the current at-reactor NUHOMS® system and the future awayfrom-reactor DOE transportation system being developed under the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) program.