Testing and Validation of Threaded Lid Vented Nuclear Materials Storage Containers

Terry Wickland - Nuclear Filter Technology
Marty Mataya - Safe Sites Of Colorado, RFETS, USA
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A type 304 stainless steel nuclear materials storage container (NMC) has been developed and tested to verify leak tightness under severe lmpad. The nuclear materials containers were designed to meet requirements established in DOE's Recommendation 94-1 , \"Criteria For Interim Safe Storage of Plutonium-Bearing Solid Material. Containers used for the interim storage (less than 20 years) of nuclear materials must allow a means for retrieval and observation of stored contents, while also meeting stringent strudural and leak-proof requirements. The new, all stainless steel container has a threaded lid closure that is equipped with a slntered stainless steel high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter vent. The container, which can be hand tightened, provides a positive seal for storing nuclear material, yet allows the controlled release of explosive gases including hydrogen. The nuclear materials container, which was designed for easy retrieval and monitoring, features a lid which can be tightened and released by hand via a handle. To allow the controlled release of gas and simultaneous retention of radioactive particulate, a type 316 stainless steel HEPA filter Is welded to the Interior surface of the lid. A semi permeable membrane is adhered to the top surface of the container to prevent water entry up to 2 PSI. A handle allows retrieval and lid installation. Figure -1 shows a photograph the nuclear materiel storage container. Results of air leak tests after a 1.21 meter drop test, hydrogen dlffusivlty measurements, particle retention and gas permeability, and water intrusion tests on the nuclear material containers (NMC) will be presented.