Use of 3D Scanning Technologies and Virtual Reality to Validate Transport Operations Interfaces

Stephen Porter - International Nuclear Services, UK
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International Nuclear Services (INS) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and has extensive proven expertise in providing strategic assessments, consultancy services and feasibility studies relating to irradiated fuel management and worldwide nuclear material transportation by road, rail and sea. It has significant experience of package selection, design, finite element analysis, engineering and licencing; and operates a fleet of maritime vessels under a partially owned subsidiary company named Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited (PNTL).INS’ use of 3D scan data to validate transport operations was presented at PATRAM 2016. The methodology of manipulating 3D Pointcloud data of ship holds and analysing them in conjunction with 3D CAD models of transport packages was detailed, along with potential opportunities going forward regards how the technology’s benefits could be optimised. This paper develops on the ideas that were presented in 2016. It details the recent developments INS has made in utilising 3D mapping technology (such as service provision and Virtual Reality) that expand on those proposed in the 2016 paper. It goes on to envisage how INS will further develop the use of 3D Pointcloud Data and Virtual Reality in other areas of the business to realise further benefits in respect of costs, resource requirements, personnel safety, asset availability and general preparedness for complex, safety critical operations. Examples of business areas in INS that could benefit from this technology range from Engineering, Transport Operations, and Environmental Health and Safety to Commercial Sales and Human Resources.