Transport Studies Associated With the Selection of a Site for a UK Deep Repository for Disposal of Radioactive Wastes

M.J.S. Smith - UK Nirex Ltd
D. Bennett - UK Nirex Ltd
David Hutchinson - United Kingdom Nirex Ltd
C.R. Eastman - JMP Consultants Ltd.
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UK Nirex Ltd (hereafter referred to as Nirex) has been set up by the British nuclear industry to provide facilities for the disposal of solid low level and intermediate level radioactive wastes (LLW and ILW) . Nirex is currently seeking to develop a single deep repository for the disposal of both LLW and ILW. It is proposed that a deep repository should be in operation by the early years of the next century and should operate for about SO years. The selection procedure to identify a preferred repository site has followed the approach recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA 1983). The IAEA recommends that an evaluation should proceed in stages from generic to specific site assessments carried out in progressively increasing detail, the number of candidate sites being reduced as the requirements to be satisfied are refined and enhanced.