Transport of Nuclear Material in Germany Since the Enforcement of the First Atomic Law in 1959: Experiences, Assessments, and Tendencies

Ch. Fasten - Federal Office for Radiation Protection Salzgitter, Germany
F.W. Collin - Federal Office For Radiation Protection, Salzgitter, Germany
M. Cosack - Federal Office For Radiation Protection, Salzgitter, Germany
U. Müller - Federal Office For Radiation Protection, Salzgitter, Germany
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Following the IAEA-Regulations for the Safe Transport ofRadioactive Material (IAEA 1990), the competent authority in each country is responsible for the estimation of the development in the field of the transport of radioactive material, for periodical assessments in this area and also for the compliance assurance of all relevant provisions. Therefore, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, as one of the competent authorities in Germany, assesses these developments periodically.