Thermal Test and Analysis for Transporting Vitrified High- Level Radioactive Wastes

Hidetsugu Yamakawa - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Y. Gomi - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
S. Ozaki - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
O. Kato - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
H. Tamaki - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
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The vitrified high -level radioactive waste generated from the first- extraction process will be returned fran the U.K.and France to Japan according to the contracts with BNFL and CXXJEMA for reprocessing spent fuels. The simulated canisters of vitrified waste and shipping casks for them were designed and fabricated and subjected to the tests under the normal and accident conditions prescribed in the Japanese domestic transport regulations for radioactive materials to confirm that the technical standards are satisfied and to ensure safe transport of these vitrified wastes. The thermal tests of the cask (left unattended at an ambient temperature of 38\"C for a period of one week) are reported in this paper. This study was executed in 1991 as a part of the safety demonstration tests for transport casks of radioactive wastes under the sponsorship of the Science and Technology Agency.