Thermal-Hydraulic Analyses of the TN-24P Cask Loaded With Consolidated and Unconsolidated Spent Nuclear Fuel

T. E. Michener - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
M.A. McKinnon - Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory
D.R. Rector - Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory
J.M. Creer - Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory
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This paper presents the results of comparisons of COBRA-SFS (spent fuel storage)·temperature predictions with experimental data from the TN-24P (Transnuclear) spent fuel storage cask loaded with unconsolidated and consolidated spent PWR fuel. Peak cladding temperature predictions using the COBRA-SFS code are compared with test data and predicted axial and radial temperature distributions are compared with measured temperature profiles. The pre-test accuracy of the COBRA-SFS code in predicting temperature distributions (before the experimental data were obtained) is discussed, along with the effect of post-test model improvements on temperature predictions. This paper also briefly describes the COBRA-SFS code, which is designed to accurately predict flow and temperature distributions in spent nuclear fuel storage and transportation systems.