Technique of Stowing Packages Containing Radioactive Materials During Maritime Transportation

C. Ringot - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
G. Chevalier - CEA-IPSN, France
E. Tomachevsky - CEA-IPSN, France
J. Draulans - Belgonucleaire, Dessel, Belgium
I. Lafontaine - Transnubel, Belgium
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The Mont Louis accident (August 25, 1984 - North Sea), in which uraniumhexafluoride packages were involved, alarmed a large number of European competent authorities, including the Commission of European Communities. The latter sponsored in 1986-1987 a bibliographic data collection to obtain a first view on the problem. (C.E.C. contracts n° 86-B-7015-11-004-17 and 86-B-7015-11-005-17) The collected data supply the necessary basis for further work, aiming to increase the safety of transporting radioactive material by ship.