The Swiss Concept: Container Design and Transport of L/IL W to the Planned Final Repository

J. Migenda - GNW c/o NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
A.L. Nold - GNW c/o NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste
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In June 1994, an application for a general license for a final repository for Low and Intennediate Level Waste (UIL W) was submitted to the Swiss Federal Government. In June 1995, a referendum at the cantonal level was held as to whether to build the repository in Wolfenschiessen, the proposed host in Canton Nidwalden. The outcome of the referendum was negative; the people of the Canton voted against the repository by 52 % NO to 48 % YES. At the national and communal levels there is agreement with the choice of the Wellenberg site; the strategic and legal issues thereby raised are still under discussion. However, GNW, the company fanned for construction and operation of the repository, regards Wellenberg as the preferred site in Switzerland for realization of this national project.