StateGEN/StateNET-A Structured Method to Perform Route Comparisons*

J. W. Cashwell - Sandia National Laboratories
C.M. Erickson - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
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StateGEN/StateNET is a modelling structure and routing algorithm designed expressly to address the needs of state and local governments to perform analyses of routing alternatives. StateGEN/StateNET is designed to permit the user to construct a network and assign attributes of interest to the network on a personal computer (PC). The completed network is then transferred via a modem to the TRANSNET system (Cashwell, 1989) and the preferred route is determined based upon attribute weights assigned by the user. This modelling structure permits the state or local government to perform a route analysis, such as that required by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOl) for Highway Route-controlled Quantity shipments of radioactive matenals, with a minimum of resources. StateGEN/StateNET provides a computerized version of the DOT guidelines (Cashwell, 1989) or allows the user to structure their own network parameters.