Standard Thermal Problem Set*

R. E. Glass - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
M. Burgess - Atomic Energy Establishment
E. Livesey - British Nuclear Fuels plc, UK
J. Geoffrey - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
S. Bourdon - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
Dennis Mennerdahl - E M Systems
N. Cherubini - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, “ENEA”
S. Giambuzzi - ENEA, Rome, Italy
P. Nagel - Nuclear Energy Agency Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
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Beginning in April 1985, a working group on heat transfer met under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Committee on Reactor Safety to define a standard problem set which could be used to benchmark codes used to predict cask thermal response. The problem definitions and solutions which resulted from these meetings as described in \"Standard Thermal Problem Set for the Evaluation of Heat Transfer Codes Used in the Assessment of Transportation Packages,\" R. E. Glass, et al., Sandia National Laboratories, 1988 are summarized in this paper. The problems that were defined address each of the major heat transfer mechanisms (conduction, convection, and radiation) that occur in a cask both during normal transport and as a result of the allengulfing fire scenario. The problems were kept geometrically simple to minimize the resources required to obtain a solution while still addressing actual phenomena This has resulted in a set of one- and two-dimensional . problems. The solutions to this problem set include closed form analytical solutions, experimental data, and consensus of numerical solutions. For each problem the range of numerical solutions are presented.