Shipment Mobility/Accountability Collection (SMAC)\"

R.E. Best - Science Applications International Corporation
C.R. Hamberger - Science Applications International Corporation
R.J. Maddigan - Science Applications International Corporation
M.F. Moerchen - Science Applications International Corporation
P.B. Lester - U.S. Department of Energy
L. B. Shappert - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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SMAC is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) information system that collects, stores, and analyzes information on all unclassified shipments to and from DOE facilities. SMAC is operated for and under the direction of DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM) Transportation Management Division (TMD). Mr. Larry Blalock is the manager ofTMD and Mr. Tony Thomas is the functional area manager responsible for TMD's information technology activities, including executive management of SMAC operations and development. Funding is provided through DOE's Oak Ridge Operations Office. SMAC operations and development activities are managed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for DOE. Technical support for day-to-day operations and development is provided by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) under contract to ORNL. DOE has used SMAC for more than a decade to obtain transportation management information essential to DOE's transportation and other related functions. SMAC has undergone major changes over the years to adapt to DOE's changing needs, computer technology, and user environment. Today, SMAC is a minicomputer-based, relational database management system with controlled user access through local workstations, PCs, and dumb terminals. It works with other TMD information systems and routing models to collect data and perform complex data analysis. Currently, SMAC serves DOE Headquarters, Operations Offices, Field Offices, and 64 field locations. The system provides data and analysis services to DOE and its contractors, transportation managers, and specialists. It is used to collect data from the sources of transportation activities, screen the data to ensure their quality, train personnel who collect and report the data, analyze data elements, help users conduct their own analyses, and develop and present reports on DOE's transportation activities to DOE and contractor management.