SCANS Computer Program for Evaluating Lead Slump and Buckling in Storage and Transportation Casks*

G.C. Mok - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
T.Y. Lo - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
M.C. Witte - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
R.C. Chun - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
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SCANS is a computer program developed for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy for making confirmatory stress analyses of transportation casks submitted for license review. 1be program, running on mM PC and compatible microcomputers, handles heat transfer, impact, thermal and pressure stress analyses. To minimize the need for the user's familiarity with current licensing regulations and computerized analysis techniques, the computer program automatically generates and archives the required input and output files based on a minimum amount of engineering data enter interactively by the user. lbis automated option is for a generic circular cylindrical cask geometry to meet the U.S. 10 CFR 71 regulations. The first ver- sion of this program has been released to the public since January 1989. A workshop and a number of papers have been given by the developer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory concerning the methods and applications of this program.