Safe Transport of Radioactive Material-A Training Experience

C.R. Chapman - GB Central Electricity Generating Board, Thornbury, Bristol, United Kingdom
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Whilst this is the 9th International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (P A TRAM) and has been publicized as the forum for exchange of technical information on the packaging and shipment of radioactive materials, hitherto there has been scant reference to training in either packaging or shipment. Although past meetings of PATRAM have included developments not only in container and packaging techniques but also in safety, there has been little included on training in safe practices. Moreover, internationally agreed regulations have been developed and adjusted to reflect new standards of science and technology and changing needs, many of which have been identified at previous PATRAM meetings. However, both the packaging and the transportation of radioactive materials can have many vested interests. They can, for example, be an embarrassment. they can be resource-intensive, they can be time-consuming, they can also be turned to commercial advantage; but regardless of motive the very nature of the cargo - - radioactive material - requires the consignee and the carrier to be diligent. Diligent for the sake of the employees of consignee and carrier alike, for the sake of the public and for the sake of the environment. whenever any such radioactive material is moved from one location to another.