Response Strategies for Radiological Material During Transport

Commie Byrum - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ken Martin - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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The complexity of the response to a radiological security event can be a challenge for law enforcement and other responders, especially for a radiological transportation theft or sabotage scenario. During routine events, law enforcement response to an incident will occur rapidly and be short in duration. In contrast, a long-term incident involving multiple responding agencies to a rarely occurring event can demonstrate challenges that must be addressed. While response strategies may be in place, the infrequency of the event makes it hard for responders to validate that their response strategies will be effective. This is assuming that the organizations have a strategy to address a radiological theft or sabotage scenario. This paper makes recommendations to address the most common tactics, techniques, and procedures during the response phase of a radiological transportation theft or sabotage event, including command and control, support activity integration, communication, and resource management.