Regulatory Research on Use of Burnup Credit for Criticality Safety in BWR Spent Fuel Transportation Packages

Shadi Ghrayeb - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Veronica Wilson - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) performs reviews of applications for spent nuclear fuel transportation packages and storage casks to ensure pertinent safety regulations are met. Among other acceptance criteria, these regulations require that the package be subcritical under a variety of normal, off-normal and accident conditions. Currently, all spent nuclear fuel transportation packages and storage casks assume fresh fuel (i.e., the fuel is un-irradiated) in their criticality safety analyses for boiling water reactor (BWR) fuels. Reviews using this conservative assumption are less complex. The fresh fuel assumption for BWR fuel does not allow any credit for the presence of gadolinium (often called the “fresh fuel no-Gad” assumption), an integral burnable absorber present in nearly all BWR fuel assemblies. More recently, applicants began requesting credit for the reactivity reduction due to depletion. This credit is commonly referred to as “burnup credit” (BUC). As of today, NRC recommends that only analyses for Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) spent fuel implement BUC. This is due to the fact there is limited directly applicable data available to benchmark codes for depletion and reactivity calculations for BWR BUC analyses, and determining the most reactive irradiation conditions is much less straightforward than for PWR BUC analyses. Similar to what was done for PWR BUC, the NRC staff and its contractors have begun identifying and prioritizing significant technical issues so that a technical basis for the allowance of BWR BUC can be developed. NRC is implementing a two-phased approach in investigating BWR BUC. Phase 1 investigated peak reactivity credit and Phase 2 evaluates BUC at a typical discharge exposure. This paper discusses current progress made in Phase 2 and future work to address challenges.