Reflections Upon the Nuclear Transport Regulations as They Have Emerged Over the Past Several Decades

A.W. Grella - United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.
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Prior to 1968, the nuclear transport regulations in the USA might have been characterized as not being very comprehensive. This all changed, however, in late 1968, when a major milestone was reached. Each of the two major regulatory a9encies, the USDOT and USAEC finalized very major amendments to 49CFR ll] and lOCFR [2), to incorporate the international standards as then existing in the 1967 edition of the International Atomic Energy Agency's {IAEA) Safety Series No. 6. Since 1968, one other major revision to U.S. regulations took place in 1983 when the DOT [3] and now NRC [4] each promulgated extensive amendments based now upon the 1973 IAEA Safety Series No . 6 standards. Another major revision by those two agencies is also expected in 1990 when amendments based on the 1985 version of the IAEA standards are scheduled to be finalized.