The Radioactive Material Post Notification (RAMPOS1) Data Base*

C. Crockett - Applied Physics Inc.
J.D. McClure - Sandia National Laboratories
Tony Thomas - U.S Department of Energy
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The routing regulations instituted by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) under HM-164 resulted in the definition of Highway Route Controlled Quantities (HRCQ). HRCQs represent what might be termed \"significant quantities\" of radioactive materials. HRCQs are quantities (or activities) of radioactive material in a single package that exceed 3000 Al or 3000 A2 magnitudes or 30,000 Ci. whichever is the least. One of the motives in the routing regulations was the institution of \"prenotification\" ofHRCQ shipments to state and local governments through the NRC to expedite the preparedness oflocal emergency responders in case of transportation accidents involving HRCQ quantities of radioactive materials. Also, as a result of the routing regulations, \"postnotification\" of HRCQ shipments are made to DOT after the shipments have taken place. It should be noted that NRC considers \"prenotification\" information as sensitive until the shipment campaign is completed. Information about HRCQ shipments is stored in the RAMPOST data base at Sandia National Laboratories. This work is supported by the Office of Transportation, Emergency Management and Analytical Services of the U.S. Department of Energy. The objective of this presentation is to describe the shipment patterns of HRCQ shipments in the U.S.A.