Plutonium Ocean Shipment Safety Between Europe and Japan

J. D. Pierce - Sandia National Laboratories
G.F. Hohnstreiter - Sandia National Laboratories
J.D. McClure - Sandia National Laboratories
JD Smith - Sandia National Laboratories
R. J. Dukart - Sandia National Laboratories
J.A. Koski - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
J.W. Braithwate - jap
N.R. Sorenson - Sandia National Laboratories
K. YAMAMOTO - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)
K. Shibata - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
K. Ouchi - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
T. Ito Ito - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)
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Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) have conducted an extensive emergency response planning study of the safety of the sea transport of plutonium for JNC [1]. This study was conducted in response to international concerns about the safety of the marine transport of PuO2 powder that began with the sea transport of plutonium powder from France to Japan in 1992 using a purposebuilt ship. This emergency response planning study addressed four topics to better define the accident environment for long-range sea transport of nuclear materials. The first topic is a probabilistic safety analysis that evaluates the technical issues of transporting plutonium between Europe and Japan. An engine-room fire aboard a purposebuilt ship is evaluated as the second topic to determine the vulnerability and safety margin of radioactive material packaging for plutonium designed to meet International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards. The third topic is a corrosion study performed for generic plutonium packaging to estimate the time required to breach the containment boundary in the event of submersion in seawater. The final study topic is a worldwide survey of information on high-value cargo salvage capabilities from sunken ships. The primary purpose of this overall emergency response planning study is to describe and analyze the safety of radioactive material transportation operations for the international transportation of radioactive materials by maritime cargo vessels.