A New Packaging Focused on Waste Management from Operational Stage to End-of-Life of Nuclear Facilities

Christine Lamouroux - AREVA - Tour AREVA
Bruno Dumont - Areva TN
Benjamin Kerr - AREVA TN, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France
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When preparing for the decommissioning of a nuclear facility, during its “end of life” management and while performing the actual dismantling operations, a large diversity of nuclear waste must be considered in terms of types, volumes and activities. Customers are frequently faced with the obligation to undertake multiple and costly waste management operations including handling, reconditioning or re-transferring from one package to another, for example when moving from on-site storage to transportation, or from transportation to final disposal. To address this issue, a new – highly flexible – cask system, the TN®MW, is being developed as an “All in One Solution.” With a total weight of 10T, this cask is compliant with the 2012 IAEA regulations. It is developed on a flexible concept basis, adaptable to the various nuclear needs including: from IP-2 Type, Type A to B(U) / B(U)F; on-site/international transportation; long-term to final storage. Licensing and manufacturing of a number of this TN® MW family is now underway.