Instruction Scheme for the Transport of Uranium Materials

R. Christ - Nuclear Cargo and Service GmbH
E.S. Freiman - Ministry of Railways, Institute VNIIGH
G. Schäfer - RSB Logistic GmbH
S.M. Semin-Vadov - Techsnabexport Co.
B. Vels - Uranerzbergbau GmbH
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In December 1990, the European Council agreed to support the economic refonn initiatives which the States of the former Soviet Union were developing at that time. The so-called T ACIS program Qechnical Assistance to the Common-wealth of Independent States) was launched. Main areas funded are, for example, private sector development, development of energy, transport and telecommunications infrastructures, environment and nuclear safety. In the sector of nuclear safety, special projects for improvement are funded, like on-site assistance at power plants, design safety analyses, waste storage, and last but not least, projects related to the transport of nuclear materials. The project described here was initiated by the European Commission in 1992 and ended in 1994. It had the aim to analyse and where necessary to improve the system for the transport of uranium materials in the form of uranium concentrates and UF 6· Project partners were three Gennan companies on the Western side: NCS Hanau, RSB Logistic, and Uranerzbergbau GmbH, Wesseling. On the Russian side, two organizations were involved: Techsnabexport Moscow, an uranium export organization, and the Russian Railways, represented by experts from an institution of the railway organization responsible for dangerous goods transportation and the relevant regulations.