Industry study on regulatory harmonisation of transport frames

Takeru Koga - World Nuclear Transport Institute
Yoshiyuki Fujita - Nuclear Fuel Transport Co., Ltd
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Transport frames are used to secure transport packagings (casks) to conveyances. The IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (SSR-6 2012) states “Any features added to the package at the transport that are not part of the package shall not reduce its safety”.Industry has noted that there are different views on approaching about how transport frames during transport and handling, where they exist, should be taken into account in the safety design. The World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) has followed this subject for a long while and WNTI investigated domestic regulations, guidelines and standards on spent nuclear fuel transport frames under all transport modes (land, sea and air) in several countries transporting nuclear fuel, namely, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan, in 2014.The study was carried out according to a detailed inquiry form by experts of these countries. In this study, transport frames don’t include lashing materials (rope, cable, etc.).Main results are as below;Transport frames are not parts of transport packages and not parts of conveyances basically in all countries. However, transport frames expected of some safety functions such as shock absorbing functions are considered parts of packages.Transport frames are not within the regulatory control explicitly.The transport frames are considered features added to packages and they must be demonstrated that under normal and accident conditions the integrity of the packages is not reduced.Transport operators are in charge for the safe transport.Transport frames are required the safety functions supporting packages basically.In conclusion, all regulations on transport frames in the countries are similar to each other and they are almost harmonised.