Impact Analysis and Testing of Tritiated Heavy Water Transportation Packages Including Hydrodynamic Effects

R, G, Sauve - Ontario Hydro Research Division
J.D. Tulk - Ontario Hydro
M.E. Gavin - Ontario Hydro
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Ontario Hydro has recently designed a new Type B(M) Tritiated Heavy Water Transportation Package (THWTP) for the road transportation of tritiated heavy water from its operating nuclear stations to the Tritium Removal Facility in Ontario. These packages must demonstrate the ability to withstand severe shock and impact scenarios such as those prescribed by IAEA standards. The package, shown in figure 1, comprised an inner container filled with tritiated heavy water, and a 19 lb/ft polyurethane foam-filled overpack . The overpack is of sandwich construction with 304L stainless steel liners and 10.5 inch thick nominal foam walls. The outer shell is 0.75 inch thick and the inner shell is 0.25 inch thick. The primary containment boundary consists of the overpack inner liner, the containment lid and outer containment seals in the lid region. The total weight of the container including the 12,000 lb . payload is 36,700 lb . The objective of the present study is to evaluate the hydrodynamic effect of the tritiated heavy water payload on the structural integrity of the THWTP during a flat end drop from a height of 9m. The study consisted of three phases