HLW Vitrified Waste Sample Transport Package

S. Tashiro - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
T. Nomura - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Y. Yamada - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
T. Takeda - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
S. Karigome - Transnuclear, Ltd., Japan
T. Noura - Transnuclear, Tokyo, Japan
J. Nakayama - Transnuclear Ltd., Japan.
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The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERJ) is currently engaged in a study of High Leve l Waste Vitrified Waste (HLW) at the Waste Safety Test Facility (WASTEP). For this study, transportation of HLW sample is needed, nevertheless there is no pa ckaging which can be uti I ized for transportation of IILW in Japan. JAERI, with Transnuclear, Ltd., had planned to design and fabricate a package named VFC-88Y-2T type for the transpont of a JJLW glass sample. Design, safety evaluation and licensing work of the package has been completed. The Japanese certificate for the package design, as type B(U) and non-fissile package, was issued and the packaging fabricat ion will be completed shortly, In designi ng the package, consideration was given to make the package structure as simple as possible in order to facilitate handling and decontamination in a hot cell.