An Historical Summary of Transportation Accidents and Incidents Involving Radioactive Materials (1971 - 1988)*

C.E. Cashwell - Spectra Research Institute, USA
J.D. McClure - Sandia National Laboratories
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The Radioactive Materials Incident Report (RMIR) Database is a compilation of transportation events that have occurred during the shipment of radioactive materials. The database was developed in 1971 at the Transportation Technology Center (TIC) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to support its research and development efforts for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Currently, RMIR resides on TRANSNET, an interactive computer network that allows an outside user to access transportation risk and systems analysis models and their associated databases. Withm the last few months, the RMIR database has been modified so that the menu-driven format expedites database searches, particularly for the infrequent user.