Highway Route Controlled Quantity Shipment Routing Reports-An Overview*

J. W. Cashwell - Sandia National Laboratories
B.W. Welles - Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
M.J. Welch - Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.
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United States Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations require a postnotification report from the shipper for all shipments of radioactive materials categorized as a Highway Route Controlled Quantity. These postnotification reports, filed in compliance with 49 CFR 172.203( d), have been compiled by the DOT in a database known as the Radioactive Materials Routing Report (RAMRT) since 1982. The data were sorted by each of its elements to establish historical records and trends of Highway Route Controlled Quantity shipments from 1982 through 1987. Approximately 1520 records in the RAMRT database were compiled for this analysis. Approximately half of the shipments reported for the study period were from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its contractors, with the others bein~ commercial movements. Two DOE installations, EG&G Idaho and Oak Ridge, accounted for nearly half of the DOE activities. Similarly, almost half of the commercial movements were reported by two vendors, Nuclear Assurance Corporation and Transnuclear, Incorporated. Spent fuel from power and research reactors accounted for approximately half of all shipments.