Emergency Response Arrangements for the Transport of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel from Japan to Europe in Japanese Territorial Waters

T. Ikeda - Nuclear Services Company, Japan
T. Inada - Nuclear Services Company, Japan
S. Harabara - Nuclear Services Company, Japan
R. Cheshire - BNFL plc
G. Lee - British Nuclear Fuels plc
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About 90% of nuclear fuel irradiated in Japanese nuclear power stations is transported to UK and France for reprocessing. Pacific Nuclear Transport Ltd (PNTL), a subsidiary of British Nuclear Fuels plc (BNFL), owns and operates its own fleet of 5 purpose built ships specially designed for the transport of flasks containing irradiated fuel from Japan to Europe. These vessels sail to Japan on 8 to 10 voyages per year from the BNFL's Marine Terminal at Barrow in UK via Cherbourg Port in France. On arrival in Japan empty flasks are delivered to Japanese nuclear power stations, and full flasks are collected for the return journey to Europe . Whilst the probability of a serious flask incident involving the release of radioactivity is very small, it is nevertheless important to plan for such an emergency .