Dynamic and Static Behavior of Metal Gussets in Cask Impact Limiters

S.W. Attaway - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
H.R. Yoshimura - Sandia National Laboratories
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Static and dynamic analyses of an impact limiter for a spent fuel cask have been performed using the finite element analysis code PRONT02D (Taylor and Flanagan, 1987). The impact limiter contained wood as the energy absorbing material, with the wood confined by a cylindrical metal outer skin and sixteen metal stiffeners (gussets). The object of these analyses was to determine how the wood interacts with the metal stiffeners and to determine if the impact limiter would behave differently under static versus dynamic loading conditions. Originally, the metal gusset strength was assumed to be limited by the elastic Euler buckling load. Further analysis showed that the gusset strength was not limited to the elastic buckling load and that each gusset contributed significantly to the impact limiter's strength. The current analyses investigated the strength of a flat plate or gusset used in impact limiter systems.