Drop Test 1.11 and Thermal Test of Full Scale Spent Fuel Shipping Cask for a Research Reactor JMTR

M. Miyazawa - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
I. ltabashi - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
M. Sato - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Y. Inaba - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
K. Akashi - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
T. Nemoto - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
T. Niiho - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
R. Oyamada - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Y. Futamura - Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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The purposes of the tests are to confirm the validity of the design and an evaluation method applied for safety analyses of the JMTR spent fuel shipping casks. In order to perform the tests, a full scale mock-up cask ( hereafter reffered to as ' specimen' ) with mock-up fuels was fabricated. _After these mock-up fuels were loaded in the specimen, Drop Test I . II and Thermal Test were performed under the specific conditions at Cask Experiment Station in Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry in Japan . Drop Test I , Drop Test II and Ther~l Test were performed in turn and the procedures, methods and conditions were based upon IAEA Regulation for Safe Transport of Radioactive Material.