Development of the TMI-2 Fuel Debris Shipment Program: Lessons Learned for Future Spent Fuel Shipments

R.E. Hahn - Analytical Resources, Inc.
A.A. Ansalmo - EG&G Idaho, Inc
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On July 20, 1986 the first shipment of TMI-2 Fuel Debris departed Three Mile Island in the NuPac 125-B rail cask. The shipment arrived via exclusive train at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory five days later for interim storage by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This shipment was a major milestone in the cleanup operations at TMI and represented the culmination of years of joint planning on the part of GPU Nuclear, EG&G Idaho, the DOE and regulatory agencies including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) .