Development of the Operations and Maintenance Manual for the Mk-18A Onsite Transfer Cask

Bradley Loftin - Savannah River National Laboratory
Kathryn Karius - Savannah River National Laboratory
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The Mk-18A Onsite Transfer Cask was developed by the Savannah River National Laboratory Research and Development Engineering organization to facilitate the safe transfer of Mk-18A target fuel assemblies from the Savannah River Site L-Area Basin to the SRNL Shielded Cells Facility. The cask design allows for use of existing equipment in both facilities and allows for a safe and efficient transfer along SRS roads. The cask is operated via sequential, detailed instructions. These operating instructions incorporate the unique aspects of each facility’s existing infrastructure and allow for safe, straightforward closure of the cask to allow for compliant onsite transfer. This paper will briefly discuss the design and manufacturing of the cask and transfer trailer and it will focus on the operating instructions that have integrated the facility requirements into the SRS onsite transfer program to allow the Mk-18A targets to be transferred onsite at the SRS.