The Development of a Mobile Instrumentation Data Acquisition System for Use in Cask Testing*

W.L. Uncapher - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
J.R. Dickinson - Sandia National Laboratories, USA
B.L. Althaus - Geo-Centers, Inc.
J.R. Holten - JH Products, Inc
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Packagings for transporting radioactive materials are required to survive exposure to environments defined in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 71. Package designers investigate design and analysis problems through structural and thermal testing of various components or models, using instrumentation to measure physical responses. The acquisition of high quality data from instrumentation is an essential part of the testing activity. To provide this quality of data Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy, is developing a mobile instrumentation data acquisition system dedicated for use in cask testing. This system is designed to acquire and analyze structural and thermal test data, and to provide leakage measurement capabilities.