Development, Implementation, and Experiences of the Swedish Spent Fuel and Waste Sea Transportation System

Bo Gustafsson - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, SKB
Peter Dybeck - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, SKB
S. Pettersson - Swedish State Power Board, Vallingby, Sweden
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In Sweden, electrical production from the first commercial nuclear plant commenced in 1972, i.e. 17 years ago. There are now 12 nuclear reactors in operation, the last two were connected to the grid in fall1985. These 12 reactors produce about 50% of the present electrical demand in Sweden. Theremaining SO% aremainlycovered by hydro power stations. The operating record for the Swedish reactors has generally been very good. Nevertheless- as you probably have heard-the Swedish parliament has taken a decision, that nuclear power shall be phased out from the Swedish system not later than the year 2010. Many of us-to use a mild expression-question the wisdom of this decision. The efforts in the waste management area will, however, be given a continued high priority.