Development of a Fresh Plutonium Fuel Container for a Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor

T. Ohtake - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
S. Takahashi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
T. Mishima - Tokai Works, Japan
J. Kurakami - Tokai Works, Japan
Y. Yamamoto - Tokai Works, Japan
Y. Ohuchi - Tokai Works, Japan
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Japan gives a good deal of encouragement to development of a fast breeder reactor (which is considered as the most likely candidate for nuclear power generation) to secure long - term ene rgy source. And, following an experimental fast breeder reactor \"Joyo\". a prototype fast breeder reactor \"Monju\" is now under vigorous construction. Related to developme nt of the prototype fast breeder reactor, it IS necessary and impo rta nt to develop transport conta1ner which is used for transportIng fresh fuel assemblies from Pluton1um Fuel Production Facl11ty to the \"MonJu\" power plant. Therefore, the conta 1ner IS now being developed by Power Reactor and .Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC).