S.V Komarov - Sosny R&D Company, Dimitrovgrad, Ulianovsk Region
A. Ivashkin - Sosny R&D Company
O. Savina - Sosny R&D Company
A. Chernyshov - RFNC-VNIIEF
V. Shapovalov - RFNC-VNIIEF
A. Morenko - RFNC-VNIIEF
O. Alekseyev - RFNC-VNIIEF
L. Barabenkova - RFNC-VNIIEF
O. Amelicheva - RFNC-VNIIEF
D. Derganov - Sosny R&D Company
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The paper describes the history of development and the peculiarities of design and certification of the world’s first Type C package for the air transport of RR SNF (TUK-145/C) in compliance with the classification given in IAEA TS-R-1 Regulations. The main element of the TUK-145/C package is a new energy absorbing container (an overpack) developed for the existing Czechmade SKODA VPVR/M cask. At an impact of the TUK-145/C package onto a target, its hollow energy absorbing balls redistribute the energy and transform it into plastic deformation. To certify the package, computer software was used for the finite element analysis of the TUK- 145/C deformation under different impacts onto a target at a velocity of 90 m/s (in compliance with the TS-R-1 requirements). The analysis revealed the most unfavorable (from the viewpoint of nuclear and radiation safety) target orientation of the Type C package at impact. This was the target orientation provided during the certification test of the mockup TUK-145/C package on the rocket sled. Positive test results and the calculations made by a competent authority of Rosatom State Corporation made it possible to get a certificate of approval for the TUK-145/C package design verifying compliance with the regulations for the safe transport of the Type C package containing radioactive material. In 2012, a dry run was carried out to demonstrate the TUK-145/C handling procedure including delivery of the energy absorbing container by road, delivery of the SKODA VPVR/M cask by rail, making up the TUK-145/C package at the airport, and two options of its loading on board the aircraft (on a truck and a roller system).