Containment Vessel Closure Mechanism with Simplified User Torque Requirements

Joshua P. Flach - Savannah River National Laboratory
Paul S. Blanton - Savannah River National Laboratory
Kurt R. Eberl - Savannah River National Laboratory
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Containment Vessel Closure Mechanism with Simplified User Torque RequirementsJ. P. Flach, P. S. Blanton, K. R. EberlSavannah River National LaboratoryThis study investigates the feasibility of a Type B radioactive material package containment vessel closure withsimplified user torque requirements. This innovative design eliminates the complicated torqueing patterns anddifficult-to-maintain calibrated tools that are often required in traditional bolted closures. The closure design featuresa notched lid to limit rotational scoring of the seal and a threaded locking ring to provide positive closure on the lid.Each vessel is match drilled during fabrication and secured with a spring pin to guarantee that clamping forcerequirements are consistently met. This innovative design streamlines package operations and enables users to utilizethe containment vessel without calibrated tools.