Containers Analysis Code of Zero Order (CACOO)-A Basic Design System for Type B Packages

C. Gaspar - INVAP S.E., Bariloche, RN., Argentina
G. Benito - INVAP S.E., Bariloche, RN., Argentina
J.C. Rey - INVAP S.E., Bariloche, RN., Argentina
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Very frequently, the principal iSsues that have to be assesed in the design of a type B(U) package are radiation shielding and evaluation of mechanical and thermal test effects. Thermal behaviour during normal transport conditions has also to be considered when the material must diSsipate high thermal power. If the transported material is fissile it should be assured that it remains subcritical during transport.The containment of radioactive material must always be assured. In some cases this requires considerable effort. Usually these different design issues are very closely coupled. This coupling does not permit independent consideration. Also. some issues are competitive and generate conflicting design criteria. Given the goal of meeting pertinent transport regulations at a reasonable cost. all design-relevant issues must be balanced in order to obtain a good design.