Confirmation of heat removal performance of spent fuel storage and transport metal cask HDP-69B by heat transfer inspection

Yuki Aramaki - Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy
Jun Mizutani - Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Takashi Kudo - Recyclable - Fuel Storage Company, Inc
Takeshi Hiranuma - Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy
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As completion inspection of a spent fuel storage and transport metal cask, heat transfer inspection with electric heaters inserted in the metal cask is carried out by a method of measuring the temperature of the cask, and this inspection is conducted for each manufactured casks in Japan. This paper reports the temperature measurement data in the heat transfer inspection of the spent fuel storage and transport package HDP-69B. By analyzing the temperature measurement data, it is confirmed that the thermal analysis model for evaluating heat removal performance of the package HDP-69B has sufficient design margin. Therefore, obtained inspection data is very useful to improve thermal analysis model of the package HDP-69B rationally. In addition, it is concluded that, without heat transfer inspection, the package HDP-69B is sure to perform designed heat removal capability as long as the dimension/material/welding/visual inspection results of the component related to the heat transfer characteristics meet design requirement.